The beginning of something new

It’s the last week of August and I feel like a chick slowly breaking out of its’ shell. This change in seasons feels like a time for renewal. Simplicity and flow is what I’d like the future to be about.

I’ve recently been working on a new website which has pared down what I do to three simple areas: Creative Problem Solving, Creative Marketing and Creative Team Development. You wouldn’t believe how long it took me to get to that stage of simplicity. But I think with simplicity can come greater effectiveness.

With the new website I’ve tried to ditch ‘marketing copy’ and let the people I work with do all the talking. Afteral it really doesn’t matter what I say, it’s their view that counts. (You can take a peak here)

As I write this I feel quietly excited about the future. I have a new team development method that is ready to be launched. It’s been at least 2 years in the making and has been successfully trialled this summer. I’m calling it “Think through colour” as it’s all about people approaching problems/ situations/ challenges through paint and collage materials. This way of working allows people to tap into their ‘visual intelligence’ or their ‘right brain’. It’s also about people working together – ‘collaborative painting.’ The work that’s produced is not the product of a single person but the collective.

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I think the ability to use colour is quite primal- think of the cave drawings and the human desire to make pictures. There’s also something very tactile about using paint especially in this digital age where we do everything on screens. In my work I’m amazed how quick people are to get their hands covered in paint. To me that reaffirms the need for us to get back to basics, back to the simpler things in life- like paint, paper, pens and clay. All these mediums allows us to express ourselves in new ways- so what better way of ‘thinking differently’ about our problems?

If you’d like to find out more about ‘Think through colour’ and how it might work for you give me a call 07966 872786 or email me. It’s ready to fly.

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