Synchronicity and Flow

blue womanSynchronicity: simply defined as ‘meaningful coincidence.’

My earliest ambition was to be an artist but life and logic got in the way. Recently I set an intention to make time for this early dream. Since January this year, two hours a week have become two days a week in a dedicated space. ‘Chance meetings’ and an open mind have now manifested in an exhibition opportunity. Someone who usually took days to respond, responded instantly with a ‘Yes’.

After the initial excitement of this news I reflected on the other positives in my life and how much of this too was brought about being open to what may happen- those chance coincidences, those serendipitous moments.

My last blog talked of perhaps ‘not wanting to do it alone’. Since then four collaborative opportunities have come my way and I have said ‘Yes’ to two of them. My gut made the decision not my head.

My latest book project: I’m facilitating a book made up of contributions from people in the business world. My initial vision was for it to be a book of women’s writing but then, by happy coincidence, men drifted into my life and started talking about the subject of the book. They had to be invited to contribute so the project has now expanded itself as this is how it is meant to unfold and flow.

Making sense of it all. Often we can become fixed in what and how we do things. We can let our head rule and do what we think we ‘should.’ How we manage our diaries is a good example of this. How flexible are you? Do you ‘tune in’ and decide what’s right for you to do today- as opposed to what might or might not be in your schedule?

I’ve recently made a few last minute decisions which have put me just where I needed to be- to hear just what I need to hear. Last week at a conference I was reminded to ‘be open as to how you might achieve the goal you’ve set.’ Yesterday I heard a CEO talk of the “Power to Create” and how everyone has the right to a creative life. I had no idea that was coming- but it did and it was music to my ears. Moments like this keep you sane, keep you on your path.

Life isn’t always like this, but at the moment everything seems to be flowing, interweaving and creating new ways forward. Perhaps this is what being in your creative flow is…listening to yourself, listening to others, being aware, being present, being calm, being open, enjoying life and taking action.

The only thing is- this wonderful synchronicity and flow has brought with it a hefty to-do list. I’ve now got to make time to make them happen. I also know that some of them may not work out but that’s part of the deal too.  But every idea will of course teach you something or you will bring someone into your world that you’ll need for another project. So it’s all good.

Serendipity, synchronicity and flow- fabulous things. Keep you antennae up, listen to your heart and speak the language of your soul- even if it’s just to yourself.